Image of Organic Hot & Smoky Kimchi

Organic Hot & Smoky Kimchi

475g, Loving Foods, Raw

Organic Hot & Smoky Kimchi
1 item

About our Organic Hot & Smoky Kimchi


Organic kimchi: preserved, fermented vegetables and spices. Packs a punch! 475g Korean delicacy made here in Manchester by organic company, Loving Foods. Kimchi is made from raw chopped vegetables, spices and sea salt. Cultures grow and ferment the vegetables to create a wonderfully biodiverse gut friendly food. Naturally high in vitamins, enzymes and probiotics, organic kimchi goes amazingly as a side dish to hundreds of foods. Tim Spector reckons kimchi is the best thing you can eat to improve your gut bacteria, as it has so many different strains. What to eat it with? On soups, with salads, on crackers, as a side to any asian dish (or most other dishes to be honest!) or, straight out of the jar. Ingredients - Ingredients: Cabbage, Pak Choi, Radish, Spring Onions, Ginger, Chilli, Cayenne Pepper, Smoked Paprika, Garlic, Tamari (Soy Sauce), Celtic Sea Salt