Image of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potatoes

About our Sweet Potatoes


Sizes will always vary - but that beans the consistently medium sizes in supermarket plastic bags! This may mean 2 huge ones, or 10 small - either way - they cook up beautifully. After 4 years of eating Plentiful's organic sweet potatoes - I ran out one evening and popped to our local supermarket. The difference, which I didn't realise until then, was insane. Ours are a deep, sweet, soft and fluffy centre. They caramelise beautifully in the oven, and come out ready mashed. The ones I had that night were nothing of the same sort. Tip - you can microwave or chop and roast a sweet potato to save time - it'll still be delicious! But for the peak taste and texture, roast for up to an hour (depending on size) for fall-apart caramelised heaven.