Image of Bananas (Fair Trade)

Bananas (Fair Trade)


Bananas (Fair Trade)

About our Bananas (Fair Trade)


We'll always aim to get organic fair trade bananas when poor working conditions are rife in the banana industry. We also ensure no air freight is used to lessen the carbon footprint for our tropical fruits! May arrive any colour from green to yellow - dependent on season, weather, and how they arrive to us. We'll aim to get you the yellowest bananas possible (or slightly green) but colours will vary. 800g bananas is usually 5-6 individuals in a bunch. FYI we may have to split a bunch! (I'm sure that's the least of ya worries.) TIP: Try banana ice cream! Freeze your 'nanas, let them defrost for an hour, and then blend with coconut cream and a little honey. Add in some blueberries or nuts at the end to really step it up a notch!