Image of Avocados



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About our Avocados


What else are you going to put on your sourdough? Sliced, mashed, in a smoothie, sandwich, or salad - avocados are one of Earth's blessings. The ultimate nutrition powerhouse and absolutely yum. Full of omega 3s, they're definitely a food worth regularly incorporating into your diet. Avocados usually arrive to us not quite ripe - but the joy of having the store as well means we can always aim to get the most "nearly ready" to eat avos straight to your box. We all know how tricky it is to get that window of perfect ripeness! TIP: when you get your avocado home (not in store please) - flick off the stem - if it's green underneath, it's ready to eat! TIP#2 : keep (unopened) in your fridge when it looks nearly ripe, that will extend your eating window. TIP#3: pop a half of an avocado in water, or cover in lemon juice & wrap, in the fridge to stop the browning.